Friday, November 18, 2011

A Photo Essay

So life has become an endless stream of school days, basketball games, and a few stolen hours of relaxation here and there.  Knowing that a picture is worth a thousand words, and knowing that I would be too tired to write at any great length, I took my camera with me last weekend to document my life.
 For the past two weekends we have had tournaments, so each morning (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) I wake up early and go pick up the bus.

Fortunately it's been at least moderately cool here lately, so it's chilly and quiet when I go to the bus barn.  We're also in the middle of No-Shave November, so my beard is coming along nicely.  And while I wouldn't call driving a bus "fun," at least I get paid to do it.  I figure, since I'm already going to the game, why not?

Helping me through this interesting time in my life are my dearest friends.  Here are Josh, Taylor and Hervey, hanging out after the Friday games.  I also went to a wedding with my friend Brandi, who was a bridesmaid, the next night.  And finally, the new head coach of the girls program, Michael Sissney, is becoming a good friend and lifting partner.  I am thankful for them all.

 Speaking of lifting, before we left for Saturday's game I snuck in a quick workout up at school.  I am nine weeks into my 12-week transformation program, and today when I weighed myself I was 194 lbs.  It's exciting to near my goal (200 lbs.).  This is the biggest I've ever been in my life.

And finally, what would life be without weird and somewhat creepy photos?  This past Monday I played in our annual Turkey Tennis Mixer at school.  My doubles partner was a girl from my AP Art History class, and we did fairly well (despite the fact that I'm terrible at tennis and the fact that this was the first real test of my leg since the accident).  Here we have Wes Madis, coach of the CHS tennis team, and myself engaging in a European greeting.  Best part of the picture?  Our assistant principal looking on in the background.  It's hard to follow his gaze, but it's possible he is staring at my butt.  And that, my friends, is the perfect end to any day (no pun intended).

1 comment:

  1. Dude! You really are looking pretty thick in those pictures. It's a really different look! Nice to see that you're keeping occupied, in any event. I still hope we can Skype or talk on the phone sometime soon... Will you have any extra availability over the Thanksgiving holiday?
